by Ann & Mike Scott
With Namibia in the grip of one of the worst droughts on record, provisional rainfall data for the past year/season for Halali amounts to only about 160 mm, and for Okaukuejo 90 mm, compared Read more
by Ann & Mike Scott
With Namibia in the grip of one of the worst droughts on record, provisional rainfall data for the past year/season for Halali amounts to only about 160 mm, and for Okaukuejo 90 mm, compared Read more
by Ann & Mike Scott
This year we were fortunate in being able to conduct two crane censuses: a wet-season ground survey from 15-18 March 2018, and a dry-season combined aerial and ground survey from 6-9 August 2018.
March Read more
by Ann & Mike Scott
Visit by the International Crane Foundation
We were pleased to catch up (briefly) with our good crane friend Dr Rich Beilfuss (left), the President and CEO of the International Crane Foundation ( in Swakopmund Read more