About the Pale-winged Starling
The Pale-winged Starling (Onychognathus nabouroup) is a species of starling found in southern Africa.
Pale-winged Starlings inhabit a variety of habitats, including rocky hillsides, cliffs, gorges, and rocky outcrops. They are often found in mountainous areas with steep terrain and rocky substrates, where they can find suitable nesting sites and forage for food. These starlings are commonly seen in both natural and human-modified landscapes, including agricultural areas, urban parks, and suburban gardens.
Pale-winged Starlings are medium-sized birds, measuring approximately 20 to 23 centimeters (8 to 9 inches) in length. They have a stocky build, a short tail, and a strong, conical bill. Their plumage is predominantly grayish-brown on the upperparts, with paler underparts and distinctive pale wing patches that give them their name. They have bright yellow eyes and a dark bill.
Best Viewing
The best places to view Pale-winged Starlings are in rocky habitats with suitable nesting sites and feeding areas, such as cliffs, gorges, and rocky outcrops. Look for them perched on rocky ledges or flying between cliffs, where they may be gathering nesting materials or foraging for food. These starlings are often seen in small to medium-sized flocks, especially during the breeding season when they gather to nest and raise their young.